Definition of End game

1. Noun. The final stages of an extended process of negotiation. "The diplomatic endgame"

Exact synonyms: Endgame
Generic synonyms: End, Final Stage, Last

2. Noun. The final stages of a chess game after most of the pieces have been removed from the board.
Exact synonyms: Endgame
Generic synonyms: End, Final Stage, Last

Definition of End game

1. Noun. (alternative spelling of endgame) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of End Game

end-systolic volume
end-tidal sample
end-to-end bite
end-to-end occlusion
end artery
end board
end boards
end bud
end bulb
end cap
end caps
end cell
end game
end games
end lap
end laps
end line
end man
end mark
end marks
end matter
end of
end of day
end of quote
end of story
end of terrace
end of the line

Literary usage of End game

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The American Journal of Psychology by Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener (1907)
"The end game, in which the forces on either side are greatly reduced, ... In the opening game and in the end game the logical type of reasoning is usually ..."

2. Command in NATO After the Cold War: Alliance, National and Multinational edited by Thomas-Durell Young (1999)
"... FORCES IN EUROPE: THE END-GAME? Douglas Bland In October 1951 Canadian troops returned to Europe only six years after the end of the Second World War. ..."

3. The British Chess Magazine (1886)
"BRITISH CHESS MAGAZINE END-GAME TOURNEY. No. X.—MOTTO : " Vincit veritas." BLACK. WHITE. White to play aud win. No. XI. —MOTTO : " Vincit veritas." No. XII. ..."

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